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Steven Levett Live in ​Köln

Jetzt anmelden

4.- 6. Juli 2025

mit deutscher Übersetzung

jeweils von 9:30 bis ca. 17:15 Uhr Freitag- Sonntag

(max. 25 TeilnehmerInnen)


Aachener Straße 68
50674 Köln

Melde dich über unser Kontaktformular an
- bitte füge deine Handynummer unter "Message" hinzu -

495 €

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Unsere Öffnungszeiten

Mon - Fri   09:00 - 17:00

Sat      Closed

Sun.    Closed

When booking onto a course with The Spiritual Life Group Ltd (TSLG) you enter the following conditions:

  • Insults or verbal abuse to the hosts or other participants on the course will not be tolerated and TSLG retain the rights to remove you off the course without refund.

  • If a payment plan has been entered and you do not keep up with payments, TSLG retain the rights to remove you from the course without refund.

  • Upon paying for a course, you are agreeing to take full responsibility for your own physical and verbal actions.

  • Spiritual development is considered a form of experiment, no claims are made, and results cannot be guaranteed.

  • You are voluntarily seeking these services for yourself and assume full responsibility for the outcome.

  • Spaces on our courses are limited and due to schedule of our courses, we can not re-allocate any spaces should you decide to remove yourself from the course once it has started. Because of this, we will be unable to offer full or partial refund.

Copyright © 2024 The Spiritual Life Group Ltd

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